Tuesday, November 25, 2008

strikes and gutters, ups and downs

strikes and gutters dude, ups and downs. the dude was right.. thats what its all about. high highs, low lows. and everygoshdarnthiniginbetween. woke up friday morning... drinking mate with my new family that i had only just met, and the grandfather comes out of the house carrying a pig by the hind legs. he tells me to come over (at least thats what i think he said) so i get up and come over, hold the legs, and he does the deed. castration. butter knife. the pig seemed fine afterwards. i didnt really know what to do.say.think.

just returning from my future site visit... 5 days in the place that will be my new home. i´m in the middle of the country, probably half way between asuncion and ciudad del este (that probably doesnt mean anything to almost everybody). in the hills of paraguay. topography! i have a beautiful view of the sunset out the back of my future house, a little brick one room, tin roofed house. with an unfinished michi room on the one side, and in the back there is a ´kitchen´that has coco tree walls and a grass roof. i want to take the grass roof off and make a porch on the one side of the house. shade. beautiful view. i also have plans for a nice big garden and a demo plot (for abonos verdes (green manures) and i want to plant them in curves becasue there is a little slope). we´ll see how it happens... i have a lot of time to work on the place, cause we have to live with families for the first 3 months in site.

strike... walking to the new plaza (park) and swinging with all the kids in the community. gutter... getting the chive and feeling like shit for half the time. strikes and gutters. spares too.

language. its still really hard. not understanding anything when there are a group of natives speaking around you and only understanding about half (if that)of what is being said when it is being directed at you. but its coming. you know it is. it has to, doesnt it? beacuse if it doesnt, then what can you hope to do? doesnt the body, the mind have to adapt?

a lot time times it doesnt feel like it.

but i think it is... everyone tells me it does, it will... so i guess i have to put trust in that.... what else is there to do?

strike. eating the most amazaing-godsent-golden-pearl of a mango. strike. playing fútbol with my host brothers last night. strike. stars. beautiful skys. the most beautiful stars ive ever seen. gutter. not knowing anything thats going on... not understanding what people are talking about... thinking, do i even exist here?

2 more weeks of training.. then its time for the move. new home. new life.
día de gracias este jueves. hope everyone has a great time.
peace and love to all those who come across... love you guys

What are you throwing? strikes. gutters. do you even bowl?

1 comment:

David Pearson said...

it don't matter to keith