Monday, December 8, 2008


so its offical. we swore in at the embassy on friday. been hanging out in asuncion for the past few days, and tomorrow i'll be heading out to my new home for the next 2 years. a little nervous, excited, dont know what in the world is going to happen in the coming months.

i lost my camera. so that sucks. maybe it will show up somehow someway. but doubtful. so i wont have any photos to of my first 3 months in paraguay (or after that unless i get a new one). but i'm sure i'll be able to get pictures from other volunteers. the wonders of the internet.

thats all i have for now. hope all is going well.

chao chao

1 comment:

Kyle G said...

Hey man. I just received my nomination to the peace corp. I'm basically following in your footsteps, central/south america, agriculture, and the only program left was one that needs bee keeping experience. I was wondering how was the bee keeping for you? Finals just finished in State College, its snowing/raining/freezing, don't you miss it!? Well it's good to hear you have some pluses with your minuses, I would like to keep up with the blogs because I am definately going to have some questions for you. Have fun, bee cool, live it up. KG